Frolic Hawaii’s second Poke Fest

Poke has become Hawaii’s signature food. There are so many different ways to make poke. With the intention of developing more creative poke recipes and spreading awareness, a poke fest took place in Honolulu. This year’s fest was held in Ala Moana Shopping Center parking lot, and 15 booths were set up for the reputable poke restaurants in Hawaii.
If you don’t want to line up at each poke booth, you can purchase tickets online and bring them to each booth in exchange for poke on the express line. A $50 pocket pass can be exchanged for 10 pokes, and a $35 for 6. Visitors who have not purchased a pass in advance can line up at each poke booth, and pay for it on the spot.
This year, there was more demand then supply that the tickets were all sold out, which means other guests could.그런데 이번 2회 행사에서는 티켓이 다 매진되어서 행사장에서 현금이나 카드로 포케를 구입한 방문객들이 많았다. 전체적으로 이 호놀룰루 포케 페스트는 포케를 판매하는 식당들이 대형 레스토랑들이 아니고 소규모 식당들이 많으며 행사가 열리는 장소가 주차장이다보니 마치 시골장터에 와 있는듯한 느낌이 들었고 현지인들의 잔치이며 하와이다운 분위기의 행사였다. 해를 거듭해서 더욱 규모가 커지고 행사 내용도 알차게 개발되다보면 언젠가는 여행객들도 이 행사를 즐기게 될수도 있을것 같다.
2018 Honolulu Poke Best – September 29th: 4pm~8pm